7 Marriage Proposal Tips: How To Avoid Proposal Fails


Men’s worst nightmare: getting rejected on a marriage proposal. Probably, these marriage proposal tips might help you avoid proposal failure which leads to a successful happy ending. You might have seen a lot of proposal fails already on YouTube and on the Internet. Don’t. Be. That. Person. If you are going to propose, be well-prepared, and go for it. If you need some help, these tactics down here might bring some idea on what you should do. Read and remember, and you will live together happily ever after.

Before The Proposal

Proposal Tips
image: pixabay

1Be Confident

Ask yourself if she is the one for you. And also ask yourself if you are the one for her. If you are an independent person who has enough responsibility to take your relationship to another level, you’re ready. Marriage is not something you can play around with, make sure that both of you are ready for a new step in life. You have to give some time to your partner and yourself to know about each other. A good marriage can’t start after a couple of weeks of a relationship, it takes time.

2Learn About Your Partner

If you wonder why those men on the videos got rejected, you can watch them again. Some of them proposed to their girlfriend in the middle of the mall or in a huge crowd. If the girls are shy, that might not be a good choice. If she hates being in the crowd for such an event, the proposal won’t work either. Remember the guy whose girlfriend hit his head with a guitar? I feel bad for him. She was not ready for this. You have to learn about your partner before proposing to them. Learn what they like such as the atmosphere or theme for the proposal. And that leads to tip number 3.

3Find The Right Place

There are many places that you can choose to propose to your loved ones. It can be somewhere romantic like in a nice restaurant under the candlelight or somewhere you first met that means to you both a lot. Pick the place, plan what to do, and make sure everything goes as planned. You can do this!

4Wedding Ring

image: pixabay

The wedding ring is the main character in the whole event. You have to pick the right ring that your partner will surely love. You can also have the ring made so that it will be special and unique. The price of the ring should be average and affordable. Don’t go for something that is too cheap or too expensive.

The Proposal Day

5Be Ready

This is your moment, don’t be nervous because that might mess things up. Confide in yourself that you can do this, and you will be with the person you love for the rest of your life. Act naturally during the conversation, so that you won’t ruin the surprise. Dress nicely, and take her to the place you have planned.

6Be Nice

You might have been through a lot of obstacles or difficulties together before this very day. Tell your partner how much you love them, how important they are to you, and make them happy. Nothing is more romantic than sweet words before the proposal. Once you see the smile on your lover’s face, you know they are ready for it.


Take out the ring box, go down on one knee, and open the box while asking “Will You Marry Me?” Your partner might get emotional a little bit but once they say yes, put the ring on their ring finger. Kiss the hand, stand up, and kiss your lover.

There you have it, simple steps that you can take into consideration for your marriage proposal. All the best wishes!

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