Largest Saltwater Territory: World’s 10 Biggest Seas


We all know about the largest oceans in the world, but what about the biggest seas? There are many seas in the world, and we are going to dive deep into the big ones today. There will be 10 biggest seas in the list below, let’s see how many of them that you know.

10Bay Of Bengal

Size: 2.172 million square kilometers

The Bay of Bengal is also the largest water region referred to as a bay in the world. The countries with coastlines along this body of water are Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka. This largest bay in the world has the reputation of being deadly due to high sea surface temperature. As a result, some parts around the bay usually face extremely strong cyclones, surging storms, and tropical storms every year. Apart from natural disasters, there have been reports of shipwrecks and incidences as well. Despite everything, the Bay of Bengal is one of the most famous routes for trading. On top of that, its location is in the center of huge economic blocks in South Asia and Southeast Asia.

9Tasman Sea

Size: 2.3 million square kilometers

The location of this sea is between Australia and New Zealand, and it was named after Dutch explorer Abel Tasman. Some Australians and New Zealanders called it The Ditch due to its reputation of being dangerous and treacherous for sailors. The Tasman Sea is prone to storms and is unpredictable, its waves sometimes reach as high as 15 feet or more. The tallest wave on the Tasman Sea was recorded by a rescue helicopter around New Zealand with a height of 120 feet (42.5 meters). Along with that, cyclones and storms are also quite common on the sea which makes sailing challenging.

8Gulf Of Guinea

Size: 2.35 million square kilometers

While the biggest seas in the world are famous for their beauty and natural disasters, this one is quite different. According to recent news, nowhere on Earth do pirates strike more often than in the Gulf of Guinea. In the past few years, the activities of pirates have been increasing in the Gulf of Guinea. In 2019, 130 crews were kidnapped while 135 sailors were taken hostage from their vessels the following year. Actually, there are 97 piracy incidents in total during 2020 alone.

These incidents make the Gulf of Guinea one of the world’s most dangerous marine areas. Apart from the pirates, the sea does have its natural resources such as the deposition of hard minerals and oil. Another different thing is that this sea has a low amount of marine animals and plants due to low salinity. Those resulting from high rainfall along the coast as well as the water flow from lakes and rivers there.

7Mediterranean Sea

image: hippopx

Size: 2.510 million square kilometers

Located between North Africa and Southern Europe, the Mediterranean Sea is a very beautiful body of water. Thanks to its fresh food, pleasant climate, and turquoise sea, it is among the world’s most popular tourist destinations. It attracts both tourists and adventurers from over the world, especially from the 22 countries that it borders. Even more interesting, there are 2 countries that are located entirely within the sea itself which are Cyprus and Malta.

Since it is among the biggest seas in the world, it is not a surprise to see over 3,000 islands within its boundary. This sea is the host to some of the busiest shipping routes, mainly the Maritime Silk Road. The fascinating thing about the Mediterranean Sea is that it is made up of many smaller seas such as the Alboran Sea, Balearic Sea, etc. Because of its diversity, this breathtaking sea is home to more than 700 fish species.

6Caribbean Sea

Size: 2.754 million square kilometers

Here you are looking at one of the biggest seas in the world. At the same time, it is the home to the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, the world’s second-largest barrier reef. The Caribbean Sea is so rich in marine life that it is the food source for at least 116 million people. There are 39 countries and territories bordering this sea, and there are more than 7,000 islands in total. With over 12,000 marine species living in the sea, it is also one of the most popular tourist attractions. At the same time, it is also one of the biggest oil-producing regions that provide around 170 million tons of oil every year.

5Weddell Sea

Size: 2.8 million square kilometers

Adjacent to the Antarctic Peninsula to the west, the Weddell Sea is mostly covered by permanent and massive ice shelves. Because of the cold temperature, only animals that can withstand extreme cold live there. Those are crabeater seals, humpback whales, killer whales, leopard seals, minke whales, penguins, and Weddell seals. Due to the dense sea ice all year round, only the northwestern part of the sea can be visited by ships. There are tourists who want to visit the area to watch the penguins, whales, and more.

4South China Sea

Size: 3.5 million square kilometers

Disputes aside, the South China Sea is one of the biggest seas and home to many marine animals. Within its boundaries, there are over uninhabitable 250 small islands, reefs, and rocks. In fact, around 30% of coral reefs in the world are located in the South China Sea alone. This sea is the main link between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. As the shortest way between these oceans, this large sea is the host to some of the busiest shipping lanes.

The most important thing that this sea provides is jobs for millions of people in the fishing industry. Because it is the home to valuable fishing grounds, it offers up to 10 million tonnes of annual catch per year. Besides these, it is also believed that there are gas and oil reserves located beneath this sea bed. Since it provides so many benefits, no doubt why many countries surrounding the sea trying to sea to themselves.

3Arabian Sea

Size: 3.862 million square kilometers

The Arabian Sea, one of the biggest seas in the world, has been an important trade route since ancient days. This sea got its name from Arabian merchants who dominated it in the 9th century during the Age of Sail. The Arabian Sea has high salinity; therefore, it is home to a wide range of marine life. There are also many whale species living there such as blue whales, humpback whales, minke whales, and sperm whales. This is why this sea is an important source of the small-scale fishing industry to the economy of several countries along its boundaries.

2Coral Sea

Size: 4.791 million square kilometers

Just like the name suggests, the Coral Sea is home to many islands and reefs. In fact, it contains the world’s largest reef system which is the Great Barrier Reef. The islands of this reef system contain more than 2,000 plant species. As for the sea itself, it is the shelter of many marine life such as anemones, sponges, worms, and more. Along with that, there are so many species of dolphins, porpoises, sea snakes, sharks, turtles, and whales living there. Being one of the biggest seas in the world, the Coral Sea is 4 times as big as Great Britain. Due to its warm climate, tropical cyclones are common within its range and the surrounding regions.

1Philippine Sea

Size: 5.695 million square kilometers

The Philippine Sea is the largest sea in the world, extending to border many countries. Within the sea are many deep-sea trenches, and the most famous of all is the Mariana Trench. It is the habit of hundreds of marine life such as coral and other saltwater fish. Thanks to its biodiversity, the Philippines depends on this sea as one of its food sources such as seaweeds, seafood, etc.

Along with that, it also helps with the economy in terms of fisheries. Due to its size, there are also marine animals that grow so large. Manta rays there can grow as big as 7 meters, and there are also many whale species as well. The best part about this world’s biggest sea is that it is one of the best places to see whale sharks.

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