There are many colorful animals in the world that you might not know, so let’s talk about them today. From birds in the sky to reptiles on the ground, their beauty varies in their kind. Nature has brought these amazing animals with the gift of colors that make them unique and beautiful. However, some colorful animals are poisonous, especially poison dart frogs. You can admire their beauty, but keep the distance. Here are 21 colorful animals in the world that you should see.
1California Red-Sided Garter Snake

The easiest way to recognize this type of snake is the pattern of blue stripes on a black and red background. They have 3 stripes on their body, and they mostly live near bodies of water. California red-sided garter snakes are non-venomous, and they feed on amphibians, reptiles, small mammals, and more.
2Grey Crowned Crane

Looks like a royal, this gray crowned crane has a crown of stiff golden feathers as its main beauty. Their throat pouch is bright red, they have a white face, gray body, and black legs. The gray-crowned cranes are the national bird that represents the national flag of Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
3Lantern Bug

This bug’s head has a structure that resembles a snout this makes them look unique. They have colorful bodies and wings which add amazing beauty to them. Living in Southeast Asia, there are around 70 species of them. As you can see, they are quite large for bugs so noticing their colors is pretty easy. Hence, lantern bugs are very popular among bug collectors because they are beautiful.
4Lilac Breasted Roller

This beautiful bird has different colors in its species. Some have lilac throat, while the others have lilac patch on their lower abdomen. But one way or another, they’re all adorable.
5Loch’s Chromodoris

This is the colorful sea slug that covers its body with bright blue color along with black and white stripes.
6Mandarin Dragonet

And these is the small and brightly colored fish that swim in saltwater around the Pacific.
7Mandarin Duck

Mandarin duck is a perching duck species found in East Asia. They have a combination of several colors adorn their body from head to tail which is absolutely astonishing.

They don’t have colorful bodies, but they have colorful faces and butts. Mandrills are also the largest monkeys in the monkey kingdom as well.
9Nicobar Pigeon

It is a large pigeon with a gray head that turns into green and copper hackles. They have a short white tail, and the rest of the best is covered in metallic green. Just colorful in one word.
10Panther Chameleon

Let’s count the colors on the panther chameleon. You will see vibrant blue, white, red, green, and orange. Together formed different color changing based on their moods. Yes, chameleon does not camouflage, their colors changes because of their moods.

Parrotfish come in many different colors, but the most attractive would be this one. Looks like it is wearing pink lipstick! And their body is pink and turquoise which is simply beautiful.
12Peacock Mantis Shrimp

This is the beauty of saltwater found in the Indo-Pacific from Guam to East Africa. They are colorful, attractive, and dangerous at the same time. I’m gonna write in detail about them in the next article, stay tuned!
13Peacock Spider

Male peacock spider has colorful and beautiful patterns on the upper surface of their abdomen. They can raise that abdomen to flaps or bristle during courtship. Female peacock spiders are not this colorful, and only male peacock spiders dance. Yes, they dance. Funny and adorable.

They are beautiful birds covered with incredible feathers and colors. The most beautiful of them would be the Golden Pheasant. You can find them all over the world, especially in Asia.
15Poison Dart Frog

These frogs are so colorful yet dangerous. In nature, their colorful bodies are a warning to predators to know that they are not safe to eat. And you should not touch them either, just for extra safety. But yes, their colors are beautiful and attractive.
16Rainbow Boa

The great thing about rainbow boa is that their body reflects light which creates rainbow colors on their scales. No matter if it is the sunlight or flashlight, you will see the bling bling!
17Southern Crowned Pigeon

Here is another beautiful bird with a crown. This pigeon has bluish-gray plumage with elaborate blue lacy crests, and deep maroon red iris breast. Sadly, they are in threatened species because they are being tamed and heavily hunted for meat and plumes.
18Sunset Moth

These moths are so popular among collectors because of their bright and colorful wings. Again, they are not butterflies, they’re moths but colorful ones. And you can find them in Madagascar.

The special thing about Toucan is they have brightly marked and colorful bills that are unique from other birds.
20Velvet-Purple Coronet

They are the species of hummingbird family found in forests of the West Andean slope in Colombia and north-western Ecuador. The colors of their feathers are like armor and a beautiful cloak covers their bodies.
21Weedy Seadragon

This is seahorses’ cousin 😀 Seadragon has reddish color along with purple and yellow markings on their body. They can swim better because they have a long dorsal fin along their back and a little flappy fin for balance.
Related Post: Animals With Rare Colors