Saturday, April 27, 2024

Big Skippy Mammals: 10 Largest Antelopes In The World

We have talked about many largest animals before, but we haven’t discussed the largest antelopes yet. Antelopes are animals that are indigenous to various...

Harlequin Tree Frog: The Flying Amphibian

By the look, you can already tell the distinctive characteristics of the harlequin tree frog. This special feature allows this amphibian an awesome ability...

Ectoparasite: Pathogens That Live On A Host’s Skin

Ectoparasite is a new term that describes organisms that attach or burrow themselves into the skin of their hosts. The worst part is that...

Marmot: The Adorable Rodent You Don’t Know

Remember all of those memes about a yelling rodent that you have seen for years? That is a marmot, the large rodent that looks...

Sword-Billed Hummingbird: The Hummingbird With Long Bill

Sword-billed hummingbird has an appearance that is true to its name, with a bill so long it looks like a sword. More than that,...

American Coot: The Bird With Strange Feet

Looking like a duck but has fancier feet, the American coot is one strange-looking bird. When in the water, they look just like other...

Vaquita: The Smallest Porpoise Species

Vaquita is not only the smallest porpoise species but also the critically endangered species on the IUCN Red List. Also, vaquita means “little cow”...

Rhinoceros Viper: The Snake With Nasal Horns

Rhinoceros viper? Looks more like a dragon to me, but this serpent goes by so many other names. Some of the common names are...
image: Peter Miller

Hydrosaurus Lizard: Sail-Fin Water Lizard

Hydrosaurus lizard looks so unreal, and its name makes it sound like a dinosaur. In fact, it does not look like a prehistoric animal;...