Mad Hatterpillar: The Unique Caterpillar With Stack Of A Hats
Mad hatterpillar is one fascinating insect with a hat literally from heads that they use as a defense mechanism. This caterpillar got its name...
Brumation: 5 Cold-Blooded Animals That Rest In Low Temperature
You must have heard about estivation and hibernation, but how about brumation? Just like the first two, brumation is a condition or state of...
Distinctive Marks: 3 Animals With Fingerprints Like Humans
Fingerprints are one of the easiest ways that we use to identify an individual. Surprisingly, there are also some animals that have fingerprints just...
Animal Zombies: 7 Body Snatchers That Control The Hosts’ Minds
Animal zombies are not something new, research and studies have shown multiple cases of them already. Since 2021 is just another bad year and...
Beautiful Marine Gastropods: 10 Colorful Sea Slugs
Sea slugs are the perfect example of colorful creatures whose beauty should be admired from the distance. Why? Some colorful sea slugs are toxic,...
Marine Iguana: Sea Reptile From The Galapagos Islands
Marine iguana is an interesting reptile with many fascinating skills that not many people know about. When in the water, they look like sea...
Twig Spider: Bendy Arachnid You Probably Haven’t Seen
Twig spider is just one of another scary-looking arachnid whose appearance is out of this world. By the look, it makes you go “why...
Neon Cuckoo Bee: Shiny Parasite Behind Your Backyard
We are all familiar with black and yellow bees, but how about the neon cuckoo bee here? Cuckoo bees are different and unique from...
Bat-Eared Fox: The African Canine People Have As Pet
Many of us love exotic pets, and the bat-eared fox is one of them for so many reasons. However, today we talk about the...
Charming Carnivores: 10 Adorable Fox Species
Adorable fox species refer to the ones that have cuddly looks and irresistible faces that you will love. There are over 30 fox species...