Life is an adventure, but having a deadly encounter by experiencing dangerous animal chases won’t be pleasant. There are times when you want to explore the jungle, the savannas, or the sea to bring out life’s excitement. Little do you know that dangers await somewhere out there on your supposedly beautiful day. We are talking about the dangerous animal chases that people especially tourists and adventurers have encountered. Some could outrun those chases while others didn’t live to tell the tale. Today we have 5 of the most dangerous animal chases that you wish you won’t experience, so let’s find out.
1Big Cats

From lions and tigers to leopards and other big cats, they are all animals with dangerous chases. No matter if they hunt alone or in groups, you always end up being their lunch. The one thing about these cats is that they will pounce on you if you turn your back on them. So running away from one is not a good idea at all. Once you step into their territory, the chance of becoming a meal is very high.
Big cats like to stalk and pursue their prey before attacking, and escaping from one is not easy either. The way they hunt is by biting their prey on the neck, and that one bite is all it takes to turn you into lunch. Large cats are swift, and they have big sharp teeth and claws that make chewing you very easy. If you are not careful when you enter the territory, the chance of getting out is very thin.
How To Survive A Big Cat Chase?
Looks like it is not possible, sorry mate.

There are times when all you need is to swim or float in the lake during your adventures. All of a sudden, the shiny teeth of a crocodile are the last thing you see because you become lunch. Despite the fact that we can outrun a crocodile on land, escaping from them in the water is different. All crocodiles are opportunistic hunters, and they stalk their prey for quite some time before they strike. If a crocodile hunts you in the water, you are dead meat. These teethy creatures are fantastic swimmers, and they can swim very fast and at long distances too. In Africa alone, there are several hundred crocodile attacks on humans every year.
There are a few things that we all should know about crocodiles. Crocodile attacks often occur during rainfall, temperature increases, and breeding seasons. Basically, they will hunt more when it is warmer. These deadly reptiles have 3 main types of locomotion: the belly-crawl, used over mud then high walk, and the gallop. Oh yeah, they bounce like a rabbit. That makes them run faster than most people at some point. No matter if it is on swamps and muddy banks or on land, there is always a chance they can catch you. Crocodiles run at different speeds depending on their species, and Nile crocodiles and saltwater crocodiles are the most dangerous.
How To Survive Crocodile Attack?
If one grabs you, it is almost over. However, there are a few things that experts suggest doing:
- You can try and put your fingers in its eyes and nostrils, or hit it on the nose because those are sensitive areas.
- If you have like a long stick or something to put down its throat, do it. It might cause the crocodile to gag and release you.
- Run. A crocodile may be fast, especially the ones that gallop, but they grow tired quickly.

If an elephant chases you, you have a huge problem. Elephants are larger than you, obviously, and they are also faster than you as well. At the same time, climbing a tree or hiding will not help you either. There are two occasions when elephants decide to chase or attack you: when they perceive you as a threat and during “musth”. The fore-mentioned is okay because they will show you warning signs with body language, but the latter, not really.
When an elephant sees you as a threat, it will push air at you with its ears, chest, or trunk. Sometimes they bash bushes around before they attack, those are the signs that they want a physical fight. If you see such signs, it is best to move away before things get serious. As for young males who are on musth (basically means horny), they become highly aggressive due to their large rise in reproductive hormones. They can crush cars, attack people, attack members of their own family, gore and kill other animals like rhinoceroses, and many more.
How To Survive An Elephant Chase?
You cannot outrun them because they are so fast. If you are lucky, run downhill because elephants don’t like to run down the hill. Downhill is the only way that you can outrun them, marshy terrains also give you a similar advantage as well.

Being the tallest mammals in the world, giraffes have very long legs that allow them to run at speeds up to 35 mph. There is always footage of them chasing after terrifying tourists in jeeps fearing for their lives. Giraffes can be very aggressive especially when they feel threatened, and that is when they are dangerous. These long-neck mammals can deliver swift kicks from one of their long legs that is powerful enough to kill an unlucky lion. Imagine what those kicks can do to us tiny people. Giraffes are normally docile, and they become aggressive during the hormonal imbalance period which is very frequent at some point.
How To Survive A Giraffe Chase?
Run, Forrest, run! Let’s hope your jeep driver speeds up when a giraffe chases you because that is how you escape and survive the giraffe.

First things first, hippopotamuses are herbivores. They don’t normally chase us to eat us, they chase us to kill us. In cartoons, hippos are very cute and fun to watch. In reality, hippopotamuses have barrel-shaped torsos along with large canine tusks in their mouth followed by the personalities of your ex-girlfriend. Being one of the largest mammals, it is not a problem for hippos to take our lives. Their canines are strong enough to break a canoe or a crocodile in half, so imagine what they can do to our bodies.
Hippos are extremely aggressive, and there are always reports about them charging and attacking boats. Normally, they capsize small boats and the passengers are either injured or killed by them, or drown. Not just in the water though, hippopotamus also charges people on land as well. Just like the rhinoceros, hippos also have poor eyesight. Plus with their short temper, they are very easily startled which leads to charging and attacking. Hippos are also fast runners on land, and outrunning them is not easy.
Hippopotamuses are responsible for over 500 deaths annually in Africa, now you know why their chases are dangerous. Even a large crocodile is smart enough to not come anywhere near a full-grown hippo, well unless he has suicidal thoughts. These large mammals are dangerous both in water and on land, and all they need is one bite to end you. In case you are unlucky enough to encounter one, pray that you’ve read some of the tips.
How To Survive A Hippo Chase?
- Run: Run in zig zag, jump over rocks, or jump as far as you can to your left or right.
- Climb a tree: Find a large tree, climb, and stay there till the hippo goes away. If you don’t know how to climb a tree, hide behind it. Hide behind large trees, rocks, or walls, this will help you.

It is a terror when a rhino charges at you, and that is the moment of life and death there. Black rhinos are the most aggressive among members of their family, and they are not afraid to charge what bothers them. Rhinos have poor eyesight, so they cannot detect what is around them very well at all within 30 meters. But with the help of their excellent sense of smell and hearing, they are able to charge and protect themselves. So when they feel threatened by something they can’t see properly, they charge.
No matter if it is a group of people or it is a car, rhinos never hesitate to charge. When charging, the rhino keeps its head down so that its horn could point toward the objects it wants to attack. Black rhinos are extremely fast, and they can go as fast as 55km/h of speed. On top of that, they can change direction very quickly so trying to outrun them is not easy. They can also run through scrub and bushes as well, it is quite a challenge to escape from them.
How To Survive a Rhino Charge?
- Step number one: Don’t run. You can’t outrun them anyway.
- Step number two: Don’t move. Their poor eyesight is unable to pick you out of the background as long as you don’t move.
- Step number three: Stay still. Stay completely still until the rhino loses interest in you and walks away.
7Yellow Jacket

You don’t have to sleep to have a nightmare because yellow jackets are true nightmares that haunt your picnics and other outdoor activities. Yellow jackets are social insects, and they work together to chase you and sting you as a team. Let’s say you wander around their nests, either on the ground or on the tree, they will swarm you. You have to know that yellow jackets will chase you due to their instinct to protect their nests.
The yellow jackets will also chase you for quite some distance as well. And guess what, they will even go around obstacles or hover near water and wait. Unlike honey bees, yellow jackets are able to sting multiple times which is absolutely unpleasant. One sting already delivers you unbearable pain, imagine how excruciating it will be to be stung by a whole nest. There have been death reports, and those are not pretty. Just make sure you are careful when you go out, especially in June or July.
How To Escape From Yellow Jacket Swarm?
Run, run as far and as fast as you can. The good news is that an average human can outrun pursuing yellow jackets. As for the bad news, they have been known to chase a person up to a mile before giving up the fight. However, never run to a house or business because they will follow you inside and attack you. The only choice is to run as far as you can until you lose them.
Related Post: Dangerous Animal Swarms That Can Harm You