Fierce Constrictors: 5 Anaconda Species
Behold anacondas, the semiaquatic stranglers that are ones to be feared. There are 5 living anaconda species today, and these water boas are very...
False Killer Whale: The Cetacean You Don’t Know
It is obvious that a false killer whale is not a killer whale, the name says it all. What is it, then? False killer...
Wunderpus Octopus: The Master Of Mimicry
Wunderpus octopus is one of the most impressive animals with the mimicry ability, and it also comes with the look. There are always so...
17 Wild Pig Species Around The World
While there are so many wild pig species around the world, not many people are aware of them. It is very easy to recognize...
Sunbittern: The Bird With Butterfly Wings
Sunbittern, the bird with a unique name and a dazzling look that we can’t take our eyes off of. The slow and elegant walk...
Gulper Eel: Flashy-Tailed Deep-Sea Fish
A gulper eel aka pelican eel or umbrella-mouth gulper is a strange-looking deep-sea eel that has a very eerie appearance. We all know many...
Happy Face Spider: The Cute Hawaiian Native
A happy face spider is the perfect example of “not spiders are scary”, the appearance says it all. The look of this spider alone...
Hammerhead Worm: The Creepy Predator
A hammerhead worm is clearly something that none of us wants to come across, and for a good reason. But let’s not discriminate an...
Shame-Faced Crab: A Mysterious Decapod
The shame-faced crab or Japanese shame-faced crab looks like it is always shy and has something to hide. This large crab has a very...
Whip Spider: The Unusual Arachnid
Whip spider looks like they are every arachnophobic’s worst nightmare, and they somehow look too scary to be true. Despite the name and appearance,...