There are 195 countries on planet earth, but what are the most dangerous countries in the world? You might think the countries that involve in wars are the most dangerous ones. However, crimes are also what you should take into consideration as well when it comes to dangerous countries. Here are the 12 most dangerous countries in the world that you should know.

Afghanistan is a beautiful country, but with a high threat. The thing is that the hotels and guest houses that are used by foreign nationals and the government are subject to regular threats. The threats include terrorism and specific methods of attack which are not too safe to be in. Not to mention the kidnapping that goes countrywide. However, if you want to travel to Afghanistan, there are some beautiful places that will take your breath away.
2Burkina Faso

You might have never heard of Burkina Faso. This country is in Africa, and there are some reasons why it is dangerous. The first thing that you should take caution is the thieves that are in the city and other places. Pickpockets and purse snatching are very common things that travelers should be aware of. Also, there is a chance of terrorist attacks at hotels, restaurants, and other places in the country. But if you decide you visit Burkina Faso, you should not miss the Ruins of Loropeni.

Burundi is a small country in East Africa, and it has many places that you can visit. However, the Burundian government criminalized homosexual acts between males in 2009 which means it is not safe for LGBT people. Apart from crimes, terrorism, and robbery, food is also what you should consider. You should be careful of kiosk foods as well as unboiled water. HIV infection is widespread, and that is what you should think about as well. But if you plan to visit, there are landmarks, monuments, museums, and more places waiting for you.
4Central African Republic

In October 2016, the Department of State warned U.S citizens to avoid traveling to the Central African Republic. And that is what other tourists should take into consideration before packing your bag. Recently, there is an unpredictable security situation including deterioration, activities of armed groups, and violent crime. As tourists who are not familiar with the country’s situation, you should avoid traveling there at the moment. But if you get there, beautiful landscapes and forests will be an unforgettable experience for you.
5Democratic Republic of Congo

Democratic Republic of Congo is the largest and most populous country in Central Africa. Yet, also one of the most dangerous countries in the world as well. It is always risky for tourists to visit there, even backpackers, holidaymakers, and more. There are many threats you will face there including sexual assault, murder, robbery, and more.

We all know this country that locates in the Middle East, Iraq. If you plan to explore, there are places that you should avoid and certain places that you should go. The north-east provinces such as Basra, Najaf, and Karbala are safe for foreigners and travelers. However, Mosul, Al-Qaim, or Hawijah, and more are strongly discouraged. Make sure you do enough research before flying to Iraq because going to the wrong area can be deadly for you.
Extra tips: avoid any religious or political discussions at all costs.

Libya is a country in North Africa whose 90% of the land is desert or semidesert. However, you might want to think twice before traveling there due to the serious state of political and social instability. There might be places to visit, but now is just not a good time to visit Libya.

According to visitors, visiting Niger is a risk. There are terrorism and general violence, and Westerners are among the main targets. If you decide to explore the country, make sure you keep up with the news to see the country’s situation. There is a presence of Al-Qaeda that kidnapped and killed tourists, you should visit the right area or just wait for the right time.
9North Korea

North Korea is just not the place for tourists. You might be curious about this country, but for your own safety please just change your destination.
10South Sudan

South Sudan is a country in Africa that was formerly a breakaway region of Sudan for some years now. There are some things that tourists should know before deciding to book a ticket plane to the country. Since July 2016, South Sudan became insecure, and there are many dangers that can harm tourists. Until now, traveling to South Sudan is still discouraged since it is not safe yet to go there.

For now, Syria is on the “No List” of traveling due to the ongoing civil war that lasts for years. There are half a million people who have been killed, and killing still continues in many rural and urban areas. It is known to be extremely dangerous for foreigners to be in Syria. If you want to visit the country, you might have to wait for the right time in the next several years.

If you just want to explore, Yemen is not the right time now due to a brutal civil war at the moment. And if you go there, you will face the threat of terrorist attacks, suicide bombings, armed ambushes, and more. Give yourself a plan B, and travel somewhere else first till this country is safe again to travel to.
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