Do you know what are the worst incurable diseases out there besides HIV/AIDS? There are more, and those incurable diseases are just as bad as each other. They make the patients weak and tired, and they suffer from those diseases every day. The worst part is the patients themselves cannot do anything about it but take it. If they take good care of themselves, then they can stay healthy. However, if don’t eat right, don’t sleep right, or just let the diseases take control, things might get more serious. Let’s see the 7 worst incurable diseases on the list and be aware of them.

What is it?
Asthma is a chronic disease that involves in airways and lungs which makes the patients hard to breathe.
What causes it?
There are common things that cause asthma including pollen, dust mites, mold spores, pet dander, and other particles. Usually happen to kids who expose too close to the triggers above.
What are its symptoms?
The symptoms of asthma are wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath.

What is it?
Alzheimer’s is a brain disease that causes a decline in the patient’s memories, thinking, and reasoning skills. Usually, the people who suffer from this disease are those who are 65 and older.
What causes it?
That involves the death of brain cell that makes the progress of the brain works slower. Some cases are also from the combination of genetic, lifestyle, and environmental factors as well. It makes the patients find it hard to speak, form words, remember people, etc.
What are its symptoms?
The symptoms of Alzheimer’s are memory loss, difficulties in familiar tasks, confusion of times or places, changes in personalities, and more.

What is it?
There are many forms of cancer out there, and I salute those amazing people who kicked cancer’s ass. Cancer is a group of diseases that spread all over the parts of the body. There are more than 100 types of cancers today, and only several of the victims survived.
What causes it?
There are many causes of cancer, but the main cause is gene mutations. That includes smoking, radiation, viruses, obesity, hormones, and more. Cancer occurs in different parts of the body like the brain, breasts, heart, and so on.
What are its symptoms?
The symptoms of cancer that you can notice are inflammation, vaginal bleeding, leukemia, swelling, bone pains, or coma.

What is it?
This is a very rare disease that causes fatal brain disorders, and it is incurable because the treatment is under research.
What causes it?
The disease is caused by an abnormal infectious protein in the brain called Prion. It also leads to heart failure, pneumonia, or respiratory failure. Generally, the patients who suffer from this disease can live only about 12-14 months after the symptoms appear.
What are its symptoms?
The symptoms begin with immediate sickness, personality changes, difficulties in walking or balancing, then falling into a coma before death.

What is it?
Diabetes is a very well-known disease among people in the world, and it is still incurable today. There are hundreds of millions of people who suffer from this disease, and there are 2 types of diabetes.
What causes it?
The person who suffer from diabetes either because of the insulin production is inadequate or the body cells respond improperly. Or even both.
What are its symptoms?
The symptoms of diabetes are hunger, fatigue, dry mouth, itchy skin, frequent urination, weight loss or gain, nausea, etc.

What is it?
Progeria is an extremely rare disease that causes the patient to age fast. This disease occurs in kids right from a few months after birth. Those who suffer from progeria tend to live around mid-teens to early twenties only.
What causes it?
Progeria occurs when the abnormal protein called progerin breaks down more easily and works over time. Then it causes the kids’ appearance to grow old very quickly, yet stay the same height or weight of their age.
What are its symptoms?
The first signs that you can notice in the kids who suffer from progeria are a bigger head, large eyes, and visible veins. Hair loss is also one of the symptoms as well, and of course, the child tends to get older real quick.

What is it?
This is a mental disorder that causes the patients to find it hard to understand what is real. They usually have abnormal social behavior that makes them different from others.
What causes it?
There are 2 main causes of schizophrenia: environmental factors and genetic factors. The environmental factor involves with how the person is raised, parental age, poor nutrition during pregnancy, certain infections, etc. The genetic factors include a variety of common and rare genetic variants that the patient has.
What are its symptoms?
The patient often has mental problems like anxiety, depressive illness, hallucinations, delusions, unclear thinking, not understandable speech, and more.
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