Vaquita: The Smallest Porpoise Species
Vaquita is not only the smallest porpoise species but also the critically endangered species on the IUCN Red List. Also, vaquita means “little cow”...
American Coot: The Bird With Strange Feet
Looking like a duck but has fancier feet, the American coot is one strange-looking bird. When in the water, they look just like other...
Bluespine Unicorn Fish: The Beautiful Tang
It is a bit difficult to distinguish between cute and weird when it comes to bluespine unicorn fish. A bluespine unicorn fish is a...
Harlequin Tree Frog: The Flying Amphibian
By the look, you can already tell the distinctive characteristics of the harlequin tree frog. This special feature allows this amphibian an awesome ability...
Triton’s Trumpet: A Large Sea Snail
We don’t really talk much about snails here, so let’s do that today. Triton’s trumpet is a very interesting marine gastropod when it comes...
Electric Fire Clam: The Marine Disco Ball
What comes to your mind when you see the word electric fire clam? Perhaps, it makes you think that it has the same shocking...
7 Asian Black Bear Subspecies
Do you know that there are 7 Asian black bear subspecies? You probably know about the main bear species since there are only 8...
Bee Wolf: The Vicious Predator
The name itself is already quite intimidating; however, the bee wolf only preys on bees. This is why it also goes by the name...
Masked Crab: Decapod With Human Face Carapace
A masked crab is not something that you come across every day, and this is why it is interesting. It also goes by the...
White-Tailed Spider: Cigar-Bodied Arachnid
First thing first, a white-tailed spider does not have a tail and we will discuss their appearance further below. For two decades, there were...