10 Most Dangerous Animals In Australia


Have you ever wondered why a majority of most dangerous animals are in Australia altogether? I will bring the top 10 most dangerous animals in Australia today since there are too many of them. From small to big, all of these animals can snap you in half at any time without even trying. Some of them live in water or forest, while the others in the local with the Aussies themselves. Like I always say, Australia is like a campsite where every deadliest animal loves to gather. Check out the list down below and share with me if you know more dangerous animals in this country.

1Blue-Ringed Octopus

You will know when this octopus is ready to bite you. Yes, this type of octopus does bite. The moment you see the blue lines and rings appear on their body, make sure to let them go. Don’t ever touch this octopus. A simple touch can kill you, very easily. Do you know why people die? Because they don’t breathe, and that is exactly what this octopus’ bites bring you. Paralyzed and dead.

2Bull Shark

It is pretty clear that most sharks are harmful, but this one is absolutely out of control. They live worldwide actually, but many cases of their attack are in Australia. Bull sharks are great predators and scavengers. If there are dead whales, you’ll find bull sharks which is why you shouldn’t swim near a dead whale’s body. People also believe that bull sharks are the ones responsible for lost dogs that went swimming.


Do you know where can a bird kill you? AUSTRALIA!!! This is a flightless bird a size of an ostrich. I kinda think I am smaller than this bird since I’m only 5ft. Cassowary has powerful legs just like the ostrich. The great thing is those legs have the middle toes shaped like daggers with a length of about 5 inches (12.7 centimeters). The nails on their middle toes can pierce the human body, so don’t mess with this birdy. And don’t ever hope to get away when you mess with them. They can go as fast as 40km per hour just so you know.

4Eastern Brown Snake

They live everywhere in Australia, and they are not afraid to bite you. Normally, they can grow up to 3.2 feet (97 centimeters) in length. Not to mention that these things eat other snakes any chance it gets, it is highly advisable to stay away from one. These snakes are fast, they can strike you in just a blink of an eye. The worse part is you need immediate medical treatment because the result will be very bad. The victim will suffer from paralysis and uncontrollable bleeding from the venom of these snakes.

5Irukandji Jellyfish

Its size is as small as a fingernail, except its sting is 100 times worst. You don’t even know if you might meet one since they are so tiny, and they live in deeper water. Their venom will cause severe lower back pain, cramps, sweating, anxiety, nausea, and more. The longer it takes you to realize, the worst it gets.


Oh, yes they look adorable and likely to be harmless. But you know what, male platypus has a sting in their spurs that is poisonous. They only use the sting when threatened, and the venom is not that bad. However, it might cause permanent damage. Just to let you know that even platypus is dangerous in Australia, the west part to be exact.

7Saltwater Crocodile

Saltwater crocodiles are not only the most dangerous but also the largest crocodiles among their species. They live in both saltwater and freshwater, which is kind of bad. You will never know if you might meet one. Sometimes you just go camping in the nearby water, turns out you meet one of these chompy creatures. Or even worse, losing your dog or something like that.

8Scrub Python

Well, we all know that pythons are not venomous. But they can do worst. Scrub pythons are the largest snakes in Australia, and they can kill a kangaroo without a problem. The worse part is they even invade people’s houses. Don’t you hate it when you are sleeping, then suddenly you can’t breathe because this bastard chokes you? They either suffocate their victims or eat them alive, venomous or not, snakes are snakes. They’re bad.

9Sydney Funnel Web Spider

The unique thing about this spider is that male’s bites are more dangerous than female’s. These spiders don’t like light, so they won’t leave in their web during the day. They might go chilling in your shoes or in their burrows instead. If you live in Australia, especially Sydney, make sure to always check your shoes before putting your feet in.

10Tiger Snakes

Wherever you go to Australia, dangerous animals always wait for you. Tiger snakes are the ones who hunt in coastal areas, wetlands, and creeks around the southern part of the country. They have toxic venoms that can result in fatality. My advice is to simply walk backwards if you see a snake in your way or even from the distance.

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