Largest Snakes: 10 Interesting Facts About Anacondas


Anacondas are the largest and heaviest snakes in the world, and they are the second longest among their relatives. These reptiles usually live in tropical rainforests, lakes, and swamps of South America, especially near Amazon and Orinoco rivers. Anacondas are very dangerous and strong snakes, and there are 4 types of them. Despite their large size, it is not easy to spot them since they are very good at hiding in the water. People also hunt these sakes for their skin to produce fashion products, but they are not endangered which is a good thing. This article is going to bring you some short interesting facts about anacondas that you might not know about. Let’s do it, shall we?

Anaconda Fact
  • The largest anaconda ever captured was 5 meters long which was as long as a bus, with a weight of 98 kilograms.
  • Anacondas are non-venomous snakes, but they also have teeth; six rows of backward-pointing teeth. The snakes use their sharp teeth to latch onto their prey to prevent it from escaping as they suffocate it to death.
  • A green anaconda can open its mouth up to 180 degrees wide stretching the ligaments of its jaw to swallow large prey whole. Anacondas eat humans alive, especially children, but we are not their main diet on their menu.
  • Speaking of diet, anacondas enjoy eating rodents, fish, and even caimans which is a type of crocodile in South America. Whenever they feed on the crocs, they usually injure themselves during the hunting process.
  • If there is no food, anacondas can go for weeks or even months without eating.
  • Most snakes lay eggs, but anacondas are among the rare snakes that give birth to live young. The females carry eggs inside their bodies but give birth to live young that are independent of birth. By independence, those little snakes are able to swim, hunt, and live by themselves.
  • Anacondas can stay underwater for 10 minutes before coming to the surface to grab some air.
  • Female anacondas are larger than males, and the she-anacondas often eat their partners, especially during mating season.
  • Anacondas spend most of their time alone, the males only seek out females between April and May. Often times, multiple males will pursue the same females which are known as “breeding balls”. Breeding Balls is when a dozen makes wrapped around a single female with one attempt to mate. Each breeding ball can last up to 4 weeks when the female finally picks her ideal partner.
  • These snakes live for over 10 years in the wild, and up to 30 years in captivity.

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