Black heron aka the black egret is a very majestic bird in both appearance and behavior. If you don’t know about this bird, this article is going to make you admire the black heron’s grace. We are going to discuss some of the most important things about the black herons today. Let’s see if the black egret facts below are fascinating for you.

One of the first things that everyone notices right away is the striking black plumage that this bird possesses. In the breeding season, a black heron also grows long plumes on the crown and nape, looking even more magnificent. This bird grows to 42.5 to 66 centimeters tall, and the only colorful part of its body is its yellow feet. However, these yellow feet will turn bright red during courtship which is even more eye-catching. Both sexes are similar in appearance, and even the juveniles are also black in color.
Now here’s the most fascinating part, this clever bird uses its wings to form a canopy when fishing. This unique tactic is known as “canopy feeding”, where a black heron uses its wings like an umbrella to create shade. As it slowly takes a step or two in the water, it stops and creates a shadow to attract fish. The bird will look under the canopy for 2 to 3 seconds, often stirring its foot, and stab at the fish. Unsuspecting fish think the shade is from vegetation which is a safe place for them to hide. That is how the bird gets dinner.
This clever hunting strategy is an absolutely riveting habit to look at, especially when they feed in groups. You just see 50 to 200 individuals walking in the water, opening and closing their wings. The ones who feed solitarily are also very common, they are just graceful to watch regardless. Black herons feed during the day but prefer doing around sunset, and they feed mainly on small fish. However, they will also take on amphibians, crustaceans, and insects, and they communally roost at night after the feeding time is over. These birds are monogamous and they breed in colonies known as heronries which is a communal nesting site.

The range of the black herons is through Sub-Saharan Africa, from Senegal and Sudan to South Africa. However, their population is more common in Madagascar and the eastern half of Africa. Across their range, the black egrets are fond of shallow open waters including the edges of freshwater lakes and ponds. They also frequent marshes, rice fields, river edges, and seasonally flooded grasslands to feed. As for the ones who live in coastal areas, it is common to see them along creeks and tidal rivers.
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