7 Animals With Special Armors That Are Hard To Defeat


We have some animals with special armors out there living in nature. These animals have special body armors that double protect themselves from their predators. Some of them have very tough skins, while others have spines that cause great injuries. With their body shields, they can also attack prey and even humans without any fear as well. From on land to in the water animals, there are 7 special of them on our list today. Check them out and let us know which one you think is the strongest and toughest of them all.

1Alligator Snapping Turtle

Often known as the dragon in the water, the alligator snapping turtle is one of the largest freshwater turtles in the world. These dinosaurs in the turtle world have unique bodies and features which make them different from their relatives. They can grow as big as an average human body size with weight between 70 to 80 kg. The special part of their body is those thorny spikes on their hard shell. The name already tells you how they attack and protect themselves. They have powerful jaws that can snap your fingers from your hand in a blink of an eye.

2Arapaima Fish

Arapaima lives in the Amazon river which is why they need to have piranha-proof scales to protect themselves. These scales gather in spiral layers that curve inward and outward to protect their body. Despite the sharp teeth of piranhas, the scales make great armor fro arapaima. Shame on you, piranhas!


We all know that armadillo uses its shell to protect themselves when they’re in danger. Actually, the skin of armadillo is more like a shell armor. This shell is also flexible which allows them to curl up into a ball easily. Once they curled up, they can roll away or protect themselves staying in there. Once the predators get tired of waiting and go away, armadillo simply comes out of its shell. Well, from head to toe, armadillo’s body is covered with hard skin that plays great part in their life.


Pangolin looks similar to armadillo, known as scaly anteater also has a great body armor. Most of their body covered with tough and protective scales that shield them from predators. Apart from the body armor, pangolin also has huge claws and long sticky tongue as well. They don’t have teeth though, well what do they need teeth for, they’re ant eaters anyway.


image: Eric Kilby

They don’t have such shells or scales, but porcupines have these quills that you should not mess around with. To clear the myth, no porcupines don’t shoot quills from their bodies like you’ve seen in the cartoon. However, those quills can detach easily with a simple touch or interaction with a porcupine’s body. When threatened, porcupine erects their sharp quills as defense mechanism which is terrifyingly dangerous.

The quills of porcupines are like tiny needles with sharp tips and barbs on the ends. That mean once it gets inside the skin, pulling it out is not an easy thing. Porcupines are the not the animals to play around with. Dogs are number one enemy who try to bite or attack porcupines. Guess what, they end up having quills penetrate their faces. If you have dogs, train them to stay away from porcupines.


image: JoyTek

Just so you know, rhinoceros is one of the strongest animals in the world. There are a few different species or rhino including Indian rhinoceros, African rhinoceros, etc. All of them share similar body feature and strength. Rhinoceros can grow up to 3.5 to 6 feet tall with the weight between 1 to 2 tons. They have very large and thick skin of around 1.5 to 5 centimeters. This thick skin my friend, is like a strong body armor that protect them from attackers in the world. With their size, their weight, and their strength, it is absolutely difficult to take them down by force.

7Sturgeon Fish

You might have never heard of a sturgeon before, but they also have great body armor as well. A sturgeon has these scutes on their body known as modified scale. These scutes are tough and strong which protect them from predators, and make them unique. Each sturgeon has 5 rows of scutes along their body from head to toe, pretty safe to swim around.

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