Striped pajama squid aka striped dumpling squid is one of the most fascinating squid species in the sea. The look is just the tip of the iceberg as there are so many cool things about them. Being small does not stop this sea creature from packing itself with awesome features. So many unique characteristics in one, striped pajama squid will be your next favorite animal.

Definitely always ready for bed, this squid looks like it is wearing a pajama which is absolutely adorable. The striped pajama squid has a small and round body, reaching only around 7 centimeters when fully grown. Both males and females have large horizontal dark brown stripes all over that cover the creamy white body. They have protruding eyes with bright orange lids, an internal shell, and 8 arms along with 2 feeding tentacles.

The striped pajama squid is actually a cuttlefish species so it has the ability to change its appearance when in need. During the daytime, it buries itself in a background of sand and broken shells, leaving only its yellow eyes visible. As the night approaches, the striped pajama squid emerges to hunt by using its feeding tentacles that are equipped with small suckers. And just like many cephalopods out there, this one also produces ink when it is under attack. In case that does not work, it will drastically change its color to a dark purple-brown to camouflage with corals and rocks.
When it comes to mating, things get a little wild. A male striped pajama squid grabs a female and positions himself so that they are head to head. Then he places his sperm packet close to her mouth where she stores it to use when she lays eggs. Now, he will use his specialized scoop on his lower arm to remove any sperm from a previous male if he finds one. The males usually die after mating while the females live on.
So what’s the dangerous thing about these cuddly little balls? Striped pajama squids are both poisonous and venomous. Eat them, you’ll die. Touch them, you’ll die too. On top of the inking method, this squid can also secrete a toxic slime that contains many different proteins and toxins.
3Feeding & Habitats

Striped pajama squids are endemic to the Indo-Pacific region from Southern Great Barrier Reef to Central South Australia. They inhabit in mud and sand habitats with beds of seagrass or loose sand across shallow coastal waters at a depth of 18 meters. Where they live, these predatory cephalopods feed on crustaceans, fish, and shrimps.
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