Saturday, July 27, 2024

Megabats: 6 Largest Bats Species In The World

Bats are probably one of the animals that spark interest amongst many people this year. Megabats are the superfamilies of the largest bats around...

Fish Hook Ants: Dangerous Ant Species To Know

A couple of days back, I came across some pictures of fish hook ants on Facebook and I found them very interesting. Little did...

Bioelectrogenesis: 7 Animals That Can Generate Electricity

So bioelectrogenesis refers to animals that are living beings that can generate electricity. How cool they are, right? There are probably a few creatures...

8 Tallest Birds In The Animal Kingdom

We are quite familiar with the heaviest birds, the fastest birds, and the like, but how about the tallest birds? This is exactly what...

Gynandromorph Animals: 7 Rare Animals With Both Sexual Forms

Gynandromorph animals are animals that contain both male and female characteristics. In other words, those individual animals have both genetically male and female tissues...

Rarest Gorillas: Things To Know About Silverback Gorillas

Just like the name suggests, silverback gorillas have silver saddles running across their back and hips. A silverback is a mature male mountain gorilla...

Territorial Behavior: 10 Aggressive Territorial Animals

It is quite useful to know about territorial animals so that you know whose land not to step in. Territorial animals are the animals...

5 Carnivorous Lizards With Forked Tongues

Have you ever wondered why some animals have forked tongues? A forked tongue is a tongue that splits into two distinct tines at the...

Absolute Domain: 12 Places Where Certain Animal Species Rule

It is somehow cool to step into a land of absolute domain where certain animal species rule. We are talking about an island or...

Self-Isolating: Animals That Practice Social Distancing

Social distancing seems to be everybody’s new year resolution in 2020 by default, and we’ve been struggling, haven’t we? Little did we know that...