11 Most Dangerous Animals in the World


Apart from humans, there are 11 other most dangerous animals in the world that you probably don’t know. Some animals might look adorable, but they are extremely dangerous if involve in any interaction with them. This list is here to let you know the types of animals that you should be careful of when they are around. We include almost every type of dangerous animal including under the water and on land. Let’s take a look at our 11 most dangerous animals in the world here, they might be helpful later.

1Black Mamba

I know that snakes are mostly dangerous, but this is the type of snake that you don’t want to get near. A black mamba can strike very quickly, and the worse part is they can chase their victims at an incredible speed. Just hope that you don’t hike around their territory, and you will be fine.


That is a cool name for a snake that can slowly and painfully kill you. Boomslang is the type of shy snake that doesn’t attack humans much. But when they get out of their coy zone, you should know that their venom can disable blood clotting. To make it easy to understand, the victims will slowly die as they bleed out from every pore in their bodies.

3Box Jellyfish

Box jellyfish, also known as sea wasp or marine stinger, is the type of marine animal that you should avoid. They look just like plastic bags, but stings from them are extremely painful and can be fatal to humans. They are also transparent which is hard to see; however, make sure to be careful when you’re in the water.

4Cape Buffalo

No, they are not venomous. But if you take a look at those horns, you might know why they are so dangerous. Cape buffaloes inhabit the savannas of Central Africa, and they kill over 200 people per year with their gores. If they decide to charge, they will never stop even if you shoot them in the heart. Cape buffaloes are even known to attack lions, so you might know how dangerous they are.

5Cone Snails

image: DAN

Yup, most of the snails are slow and adorable except for this one. Cone snails are just as slow as other snails, but they have venom that is so dangerous it costs lives. So if you see any snail on the beach that looks like this one, just walk away. There is no antivenin, if you are stung, you can rest in peace just within minutes.

6Deathstalker Scorpion

Scorpions are never nice, and Deathstalker is the worst of them all. They have painful and dangerous stings that can cause extreme pain and death. Look at the picture, and remember their look because Deathstalker is just so dangerous.

7Golden Poison Dart Frog

image: Pixabay

The good thing about poisonous frogs is that they are mostly colorful which you can easily avoid. Golden poison dart frogs are covered with dangerous poison beneath their skin which means a simple touch is also a trouble. Just like other dangerous animals, admiring them from the distance is always better.


image: Pixabay

Hippo sounds cute, and they also look nice except they are deadly dangerous. They are known for being aggressive towards humans with the act of chasing or tipping over boats. You can admire their beauty from the distance, but please just don’t go too near to them.

9Puffer Fish

image: Saspotato

They say don’t judge the book by its cover. Puffer fish is so cute, yet terrifying danger in the water. When threatened, they puff out their protruding spines. Those spines contain venom that can paralyze you which makes you stop breathing. Yup, you die if you don’t breathe, especially in the water. Also, if you eat improperly prepared pufferfish, you can also die. People do eat them, but only the properly prepared ones are safe to consume.

10Siafu Ants

image: Reddit

They might be small, but you might need to think twice because they are often in a group of half a billion. In case you step on one of them, the rest will swarm after you. Once they bite, their jaws will attach to your flesh even if you pull their bodies in half. And the bite is absolutely painful.


Don’t you hate it when dangerous animals can camouflage and attack you without you noticing them? Stonefish is not only among the most venomous fish on the planet but also one of the fastest in the water. They can camouflage to blend with the ocean floor. And they also have venomous spines on their body that can cost you a limb or a life.

Related Post: Extremely Dangerous Snakes